COVID19 as a manifestation of the divine feminine
Finally, we are forced to stay in one place, in one quiet time period and to think.
Finally, we can reevaluate the rules that we were born into, the reality that we were made to accept was true. A hidden disease is destroying average people like you and me in hundreds, in thousands, it is unstoppable. Collective human intelligence is losing pitiably when pitted against an invisible spherical microbe. Thousands of years of faith, belief, aesthetics, religion, scientific advancement, medicine, technology, commerce, wealth, ancient wisdom, and modern homo sapien cunning- all bow humbly to a radiant microscopic red sphere with a halo of horns. Advanced white man, who thought he was in the same mould as God, is brought to his knees, the richer and prouder he is, the more terrified. Brave soldiers in medical gowns keep falling in the face of this onslaught. The rest of human society are suddenly aimless like drugged zombies, clawing pathetically for toilet rolls.
A few people already knew that something like this could happen, and they understood why. They tried continuously to warn us. But society was too set with its "bullshit rules": layers of false beliefs that hold us back. The lies our fathers told us. Conditioning brainwashed into us. The mantra repeated in every social group,..demanding that children grow to adults rote learning more bullshit, for them to aspire only to work as slaves for a system that locks them into a mindless cycle of work, consumption, relationship, marriage, responsibility, drudgery, sickness and debt, only for them to force their own offspring in turn to slave for the same system in an evil and foolish generational cycle...
It starts with "Go forth and multiply."
The words of an invisible supremacist male creator in holy books of 70% of humans belonging to the major world religions, telling the naked ape to procreate and in effect implying that planet earth was his to dispose of.
Mother nature, in contrast, visible tangible to anyone who looked around, or ever breathed her oxygen or ever ate of her produce, a nurturing long-suffering female, exhausted from weeping, raped continuously until she could take no more.
The COVID pandemic rears her head like an enraged female creator, come back to destroy for the purpose of creation. A divine feminie to cross the eras of masculine energy that promises to ruin planet earth.
For look at how differently the virus itself treats men and women: even in affluent societies which handle the pandemic more systematically, many more men die, their lives are disrupted and desperate, pointless male pastimes such as war, sport, politics, night clubs, pubs and serial adultery are the first to grind to a halt. Then there is a reversal of status at every level. The higher and more advanced the countries the more the sheer death. Countries which profited from dead things like black gold are soon to bow to agricultural economies for food when paper money loses meaning. Suddenly the humble farmer, the creator of food, becomes a shining warrior against starvation and factories of toys matter no more. Countries regret that only 2 per cent of their GDP was spent on health, while humans know that health is the greatest wealth.
Consider the backdrop: There were long-standing human population statistics that the apes in their conceit chose to ignore. Each day 380,000 humans are born, and only 130,000 die of all causes. So each day the population of the Earth increases by 250,000 greedy naked humanoid animals who seek to consume, destroy, and exploit nature, all other species, and each other. So even if the virus kills 250,000 people A DAY for the next year it will still not be able to right the balance. But it might do just that anyway.
Because although the virus itself will have to work itself out naturally, its repercussions among the broken cogs of society will kill many more from unemployment, malnourishment, poverty, hatred, war, suffering, suicide, abuse, violence and neglect. Many of us will continue with lives that are more like living death. Is this what you wanted, our father?
And how did it become right for humans to multiply so indiscriminately, and to grab whatever they could for themselves and burn the rest of it? What ideologies are to blame? What makes this insane and unchecked human reproduction acceptable? Religion, tradition, culture, politics, capitalism, patriarchy- all playing together in a powerful tightly knit structure but now all bowing cowering to an enraged mother nature who has had enough.
And yet this is only a minor tantrum, typically because she is female, raging in retaliation from centuries of abuse, directing her violence randomly and ineffectively.
For her to have been most effective she could have come up with a plague which rendered the ape infertile, but no. Sadly, there is a real possibility that with social systems broken down and women lacking access to contraception, an extra three to nine million of unplanned pregnancies, including unsafe abortions and maternal deaths, could result from just the first set of lockdowns worldwide. Thereby leading to more teeming human suffering.
So this time the tantrums of the divine feminine will probably not completely destroy us.
But we have been warned, this is only the beginning.