Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I hate being elboobed..*.

thats when some large oily female sits next to you in the bus and excavates for change in her humongous purse, all the while digging you in the boobs with her elbow. She stoicly pretends she has no idea of the substantial mammary irritation she is causing, and the search for change, is followed by a search for a kerchief, or for that mobile phone etc etc . I used to think that, that sort were frustrated lesbians , but it cant be since it has happened to me so MANY TIMES! Guys are way better because 1) when they reach for their wallets they side swivel out of their seats and avoid too much contact and 2) you can hit them if you want...

* the term ELBOOB is copyright Urban Dictionary


aljuhara said...

ps guys are guilty of lots of odd offenses on public transport but so far they have not figured on using their elbows for this. I think dey dont got much nerve endins down there...

Anonymous said...

Ah, dont forget getting Nutged. especially when you are seated in a crowded bus and a guy is leaning on your shoulder..

aljuhara said...

Anyone who tries to "nutge" me will seriously risk being subjected to my nutcracker. trust me, my other personality is very sinister.