…for three days till I had to switch that phone off, plus about 55 texts, mostly with awful spelling which turns me off, 35 insincere expressions of interest from already married dudes, 20 rude suggestions from teenage dudes, 7 really nice new friends , 3 freelance-job offers from advertising sector people and 2 genuine marriage proposals ….in spite of the fact that I had said “please text”.
Above numbers are approximate but certainly not exaggerated and I still occasionally get a call about this add, probably from someone who is reading an old paper wrapping his lunch or just before he cleans up some cat- poo…
In answer to your next question, Im still single and picky.
probably due to reasoning like this:
This is like the gazilionth time I'm trying to leave a comment, and I'm actually losing what I gotta say. If my comment is eaten up this time as well, then may be it doesn't deserve to be sitting on your pretty blog....(I feel discriminated)
I honestly didn't know that people read this section of the paper anymore, coz most of em adverts are fake and hilariously exxagerated, unlike the humble one you had posted:)
Oopps....my fury with your comment window has made me type munkey :( Sooo very sorry :)
see, perseverence pays. welcome aboard and hope you will keep commenting. Indeed the adds make so many standardly silly representations that I was wondering about paying 350/= and placing an obviously honest add something like " balding,downright ugly looking but very concieted 49 year old business man in fairly good health apart from mild episodes of piles, diabetes and liver trouble, with lots of lucre and a house in the hills, seeks ....
or "anorexic 38 year old acne prone virgin spinster with absolutely no sense of humour but good collection of jewellary who likes watching Hindi teledramas and sewing seeks...."
just to see if anyone would sit up....
....my idea of an experiment in sociology, what do you say guys, should I ?
add? and you dare question their "awful" spelling! hypocrite. lol
adey,yar,no? u hav a point.
hey i thought you were supposed to be a housewife (or so the Kottu link says), how come you are single?
um, I beleive the definition of housewife does not actually involve marital status,but rather, refers to any female who is in charge of the running of a household.Thus -Desperate Housewives,one or two of whom are actually single.In contrast to the desperate ones however I pride myself on being quite CONTENTED: most of the time,anyway.
But I wouldnt mind some interesting company :-)
From Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia written in simple English for easy reading.
A housewife is a woman without a career who stays at home and takes care of the children and does the housework. The male version is called a househusband.
the definition is fine. the difference is I have a job now.But would it be correct to say that anyone who has a job is not a housewife? dont think so :-)
maybe I should subsitute it with "divorced broad" but then Id get a lot of fan mail.hmm
I think that having a job disqualifies a person from being properly termed a housewife.
Note that housewives are supposed to be married, so you are doubly disqualified.....
Spinster is the term that would describe you but its a bit old fashioned and gives the impression of an old woman. Working girl might be a better term. Wikipedia does not seem to have a definition of this but answers.com has this to say:
working girl
1. A young woman who works.
2. Slang. A woman prostitute.
If you are not happy with that, bachelorette, a dreadful Americanism is a possibility (I would advise against it though) but then letting my imagination run a bit more, have you ever thought of describing youself simply as a Virgin.... :)
that would be kind of, pushing it, but I guess I would not have a fan mail overload problem, since Sri Lankan guys are quite cautious with virgins..
spinster is out as it implies a woman who has never married.
"Single mother" may be a more appropriate one, all considered.
Let me think about it:-)
dear JP, I think you have not been reading my articles much. Im neither a virgin nor a spinster nor do I have acne or jewellary and I actually HATE telly dramas...
what I am is vividly described here
My apologies, for not reading more of your posts. I have only been an occassional visitor.
Jeez, what on earth were you doing getting married at 20 (if my arithmetic is right)?
Hope I did'nt sound patronising. Its just that reading your profile just makes my head spin. Bachelors of 40years still enjoying mummy's cooking do get an easy life....
This is particularly intriguing:
"should be divorced or widowed , preferably with kids,"
Presumably some experience in marriage is essential? Would other divorcees see it in the same way? am interested in one my self.
Hello, the whole thing is going perfectly here and ofcourse every one is sharing
data, that's really excellent, keep up writing.
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