Wednesday, September 27, 2006

of primates and pachyderms

Yes, about the Horror photo post, you were right - it was a grey languar.and this is the same one caught with the Minolta last Saturday from my balconey and I live only 20 minutes away from Flower Road, so either Im using a truely fantastic zoom or there are gray languars near Colombo.
Another of my favourite subjects, as you know, is elephants and I came across this curious bit of news on the net about using Chilies in the human elephant conflict in Africa.
has it been done here and how come it seems to be working with these great big extra nasty Africans - perchance the Asians actually like chillie? anyone got any info on that ?


Anonymous said...

That's a great piece of article about elephant conservation. May be we should get this piece through to the Authorities, so that they could try it out!

aljuhara said...

thanks.let me work on it.does anyone have an email address of ANYONE at all in the wildlife cons.dept?

Anonymous said...

that another of yor exes is it?

aljuhara said...

well.what can I say? all you class homo erectus look ridiculously similar in the dark...